December 2001 - News |
This page displays news for the current month. To view a previous months news click here |
Do you have any news or information not listed here, if so please e-mail me |
A message from the web
Welcome to my web site and I hope you enjoy reading it. It has taken me a significant amount of time to develop this site in view of the considerable number of British Models that have been released (The manufacturers had a 10 year head start on me!). I have taken care to ensure the content is as accurate as possible, so please let me know if you spot errors or omissions e-mail me . Obviously there is still a long way to go and I will be adding significantly to the content of the site over the coming months. I hope that this site will in time be as successful as my Friend Graham White's Oriental Model Buses web site. Regular visitors to his site will know that he has a number of contacts within the Chinese model world and that he is able to provide the latest and most up to date information, I also hope to be able to do this. To enable the site to be successful I would like to make contact with representatives from the trade who would be willing to act as regular correspondents for me. I am particularly keen to hear from people able to provide the latest news from all the manufacturers (particularly within the BIG 2). High quality photographs in the format I have used on pages within this site will be extremely welcome. So far most of the photographs are from models in my own private collection so if you can help please contact me by E-MAIL . In addition to photographs of models I would also like to hear from people who are able to supply photographs of the real bus the model is based on again please contact me if you are able to supply photographs. All contributions to my site will be acknowledged. If you are a business and have a web site I will include links to your site or your e-mail address so that visitors to my site will be able to contact you. I look forward to hearing from you by E-MAIL. Enough of the administration now down to business!. Gareth |
I am grateful to C'sM for
advising me of details of two forthcoming releases. One 1/50th scale Metrobus
MK1 (MCW - 70209) and a
1/130th scale Metrobus MK2 (MMC
- 7203) both in the livery of Essex Operator Ensignbus. Both models are due
for release in mid December.
Saturday 1 December 2001 |
News from JOTUS
in Hong Kong that Creative Master Northcord Ltd have released in Hong Kong
their first UK Dennis Trident ALX400 in the livery of First Capital (UKBUS1001).
The model has a certificated run of 3500. Not known if or when it will be
available in the UK
Monday 3 December 2001 |
Corgi Confirm that their Plaxton Excalibur in livery of
Elcock Reisen (OM43304) will be released week commencing 17 December with a
quantity of 2700
Please note that this web site is only currently accessible through the inputting of the domain name i.e. I am currently in the process of registering the site with a number of Internet search engines but it will take some time before you will be properly able to search the web and find it. Why not add the web address to your list of favourites on your browser. Friday 7 December 2001 |
The London Transport Museum have released
another variant of their
BET Style AEC/Leyland numbered 24316B. Below is I believe the first
published picture. I hope to bring more photographs and details tomorrow. The
vehicle represents fleet number 757 and is on route number 85 to Brill. |
Photograph © British Model Buses News of two further releases from C'sM and Peak Horse. C'sM and Peak Horse have confirmed that their 1/50th scale Metrobus (MCW70205) and 1/130th scale Mini Metrobus (MMC7004), will both be released in January 2002. More details and photographs of both models with tomorrows updates. Wednesday 12 December 2001 News of yet another release from C'sM. Another MCW Metrobus MK1 (MCW70206) in livery of Leaside Buses will be released in January 2002 with a quantity of 300. Thursday 13 December 2001 My EFE subscriber news letter arrived a few minutes ago in the post. There is no mention of the previously mentioned special subscriber offer and no new releases. All models mentioned on their release schedule have previously been announced on this site. Saturday
15 December 2001 |
I have been advised by a
visitor to the site that Modelzone have commissioned a special EFE RCL in
livery of Blue Triangle. The model is RCL2260 on route 565 and carries the
stock number 25605B it carries advertising for Modelzone. It is
certificated to 800.
New releases: The following EFE models are scheduled for release on 20 December 14602 Leyland National London & Country 15630 Routemaster Reading 18713 Bedford SB Greenslades 99640 Leyland PD2 Todmorden 26605DL Plaxton Paramount Wallace Arnold The following OOC models are scheduled for release early January OM45705 AEC Q Westcliffe OM43601 Palatine 2 Harris Bus EFE 99638 Crosville LMS is to be re-run in march due to the original being in short supply. Will there be variations? Sunday 16 December 2001 |
I can confirm that the following
models were released this week by EFE: 15630 Routemaster Reading 14602 Leyland National London and Country 18713 Bedford SB Greenslades 26605DL Plaxton Paramount Wallace Arnold 99640 Leyland PD2 Todmorden L.M.S Could someone please let me know if the OOC Plaxton Excaliber - Elcock Reisen has been released. It was scheduled for release week commencing 17 December. I have spoken to a number of dealers, non of whom have yet received their stock . I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and thank you for your support over the last two weeks. I have been astounded by the response to my site, with over 1500 hits in the first two weeks it has far exceeded my expectations. With your help, I look forward to making the site even more successful during 2002. Sunday 23
December 2001 Thank you to John BOOTH for confirming the Corgi OOC 0M43304 Plaxton Excalibur Elcock Reisen is now in the shops.
Ramblers Holidays have completely sold out of this model which I understand was distributed to those who had been on their mailing list the longest. If you are one of the few very lucky ones to get one, could you please let me have a photograph to post on this site. Monday 24 December 2001 |
Model Collector Magazine have
announced a release of another special model for readers. This model being a
Corgi OOC Guy Arab Utility (post war livery) on route number 8 to Worthing
Pier. It will be limited to 2500 pieces with priority being given to
magazine subscribers. Further details will be given when known. |
Photograph "Model Collector Magazine" Thursday 27 December 2001 |
I am very grateful to Peter
Harrison for supplying pictures of the EFE Ramblers Association Daimler
Utility 26402A
(see News 24 December)
Saturday 29 December 2001 |
December 2001 - News |
This page last updated Saturday 29 December 2001 |
© British Model Buses 2001 |